VBA for Word operation

Option Explicit

'[ツール] → [参照設定] → [Microsoft Word XX.X Object Library]をチェック → [OK]

Sub OpenDoc()
    Dim app As New Word.Application
    app.Visible = True
    Dim doc As Word.Document
    Set doc = app.Documents.Open("C:\Users\kazuya\Desktop\folder1" & "\" & "sdxs.docx")
    'doc.Windows(1).Visible = False
    'Set app = Nothing 'オブジェクトを開放
End Sub

Sub DocsVisible()
   Dim doc As Word.Document
   Dim docs As Word.Documents

   Set docs = GetDocsOpen
   If docs Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
   For Each doc In docs
      doc.Windows(1).Visible = True
End Sub

Sub ReadWordToSheet()
   Dim i As Integer, p As Long, cnt As Integer
   Dim doc As Word.Document, docs As Word.Documents
   Dim para As Word.Paragraph, table As Word.table
   Dim shThis As Worksheet
   Dim ceOutPara  As Range, ceOutTable As Range
   Dim txt As String
   Set shThis = ActiveSheet
   Set docs = GetDocsOpen
   If docs Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
   Set doc = docs(1)
   Set ceOutPara = shThis.Cells(2, 2)
   Set ceOutTable = shThis.Cells(2, 6)
   Application.ScreenUpdating = False
   p = 1
   ceOutPara.Value = "Paragraph"
   For Each para In doc.Paragraphs
      If para.Range.Information(wdWithInTable) = False Then
         ceOutPara.Offset(p, 0).Value = p
         txt = para.Range.Text
         If Left(txt, 1) = Chr(10) Or Left(txt, 1) = Chr(13) Then
            ceOutPara.Offset(p, 1).Value = ""
            ceOutPara.Offset(p, 1).Value = para.Range.Text
         End If
         p = p + 1
      End If
      If p > 1000 Then Exit For
   cnt = 0
   For Each table In doc.Tables
      cnt = cnt + 1
      ceOutTable.Value = "Table" & cnt
      ceOutTable.Offset(1, 0).Select
      shThis.PasteSpecial Format:="HTML", NoHTMLFormatting:=True
      For i = 1 To 50
         Set ceOutTable = ceOutTable.Offset(0, 1)
         If ceOutTable.End(xlDown).Row >= 1000 Then
            Set ceOutTable = ceOutTable.Offset(0, 1)
            Exit For
         End If
      Next i
   Next table
   Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

Sub WordOpe()
    Dim app As New Word.Application
    app.Visible = True
    Dim doc As Word.Document
    Set doc = app.Documents.Open(ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & "word1.docx")
    Set app = Nothing 'オブジェクトを開放
End Sub

Function GetDocsOpen() As Word.Documents
   Dim app As New Word.Application
   On Error GoTo Label1
   Set app = GetObject(Class:="Word.Application")
   Set GetDocsOpen = app.Documents
   Set app = Nothing
   Exit Function
   Set GetDocsOpen = Nothing
   Set app = Nothing
End Function

Function GetDocParas(doc As Word.Document) As String()
   Dim para As Word.Paragraph
   Dim p As Integer
   Dim pMax As Integer
   pMax = 1000
   ReDim aryPara(1 To pMax) As String
   p = 0
   For Each para In doc.Content.Paragraphs
      p = p + 1
      aryPara(p) = para.Range.Text
      If p > pMax Then Exit For
   ReDim Preserve aryPara(1 To p)
   GetDocParas = aryPara
   Set para = Nothing
End Function

Functions of BKedit

Add-Type -AssemblyName Microsoft.VisualBasic
$pathTop = [Environment]::GetFolderPath('Desktop')

. .\Func_Files.ps1
. .\Func_Word.ps1

function RenameBK($pathBK){
    WriteLog "Start Rename."
    $CI = Get-ChildItem $pathBK -File -Name | sort { [string]$_ }
    foreach($strOld in $CI){
        # 半角にする
        $strNew = [Microsoft.VisualBasic.Strings]::StrConv( `
        # Replace 
        $strNew = $strNew.Replace("_","-").Replace(" ","").Replace("-.doc",".doc")
        # 6文字目は"-"か"."
        if($strNew.Length -ge 6){
            if($subs -ne "-" -and $subs -ne "."){
        # --間は消す,()は消す
        $strNew=$strNew -replace '-.*-','-'
        $strNew=$strNew -replace '\(.*\)',''
        # Z追加
        if($strNew -match '-\w\w\.'){

        if( ($strNew -match "^C\d{4}\.docx?$")-or($strNew -match "^C\d{4}-\w\w*.docx?$") ){
            if($strOld -ne $strNew){
                MyRename $strOld $strNew -RemoveByDate; $cnt++
            WriteLog ($strOld + " not-match.")
    WriteLog "Exec Rename $cnt Count.`r`n"

function RemoveBK($pathBK){
    WriteLog "Start Remove."
    $cntExec = 0;$cntError = 0
    $CI= Get-ChildItem $pathBK -File -Name | sort -Descending
    $nmKeep = ""
    foreach($nm in $CI){
        if($nm -match "C\d{4}.*\.docx?$"){
            if( (MySubstring $nmKeep 0 5)-eq(MySubstring $nm 0 5) ){
                $ret=MyRemove $nm -Force
                $nmKeep = $nm
            if($nm -notlike "*.log"){ $ret=MyRemove $nm -Force }
            WriteLog $ret
            if($ret -like "Exec*"){$cntExec++}
            if($ret -like "Error"){$cntError++}
    WriteLog "Finished Remove. Exec:$cntExec Error:$cntError .`r`n"
function DocsToPdfBK($pathBK){    
    $pathPdf = "$pathBK\Pdf" 
    if(-not(Test-Path $pathPdf)){
        New-Item 'Pdf' -itemType Directory
    DocsToPdfAtCurDir $pathPdf $pathBK

Functions of Word

$pathTop = [Environment]::GetFolderPath('Desktop')

. .\Func_Files.ps1

function sampleWord{
    $wordApp = New-Object -ComObject Word.Application
    $wordApp.Visible = $true
    $doc = $wordApp.Documents.Add()
    $doc.Content.Text = "foo, bar"
    $wordApp = $null
    #Start-Sleep -s 1

function DocOpen{
    if($AppIn -ne $null){
        [Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.ApplicationClass]$App = $AppIn 
        $App = New-Object -ComObject Word.Application
    $App.Visible = $true

    $full= Convert-Path $nmDoc
        [Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.DocumentClass]$doc = $App.Documents.Open( `
        if($Silence -eq $false){ Write-Host "Error - Fail Open $nmDoc" }
        return $null
        $App.WindowState=[Windows.Forms.FormWindowState]::Maximized #名前変

    $App = $null
    return $doc

# pathOut 指定無しなら同一フォルダ
function DocToPdf{

    if([bool]$pathOut -eq $true){
        $fullOut= Join-Path $pathOut $doc.Name

        $fullOut= [System.IO.Path]::ChangeExtension($fullOut, ".pdf")
        $fullOut= [System.IO.Path]::ChangeExtension($doc.FullName, ".pdf")

    ExitByPasteDrive $fullOut

    if(Test-Path $fullOut){
            $dateMoto = (Get-ItemProperty $doc.FullName).LastWriteTime
            $dateSaki = (Get-ItemProperty $fullOut).LastWriteTime
            if($dateMoto -lt $dateSaki){
                return "Cancel: NoExec by date $fullOut ."
        $ret = "Exec: OverWrite $fullOut ."
        $ret = "Exec: Create $fullOut ."
    $doc.ExportAsFixedFormat(     # void
        [string]$fullOut, #OutputFileName  nameだけならドキュメントに保存
        [bool]$false ,#OpenAfterExport
        [int]1, [int]1, 
        [bool]$false, #IncludeDocProps
        [bool]$false, # KeepIRM
        [bool]$true, # DocStructureTags
        [bool]$true, # BitmapMissingFonts
        [bool]$true) # UseISO19005_1

    return $ret

function DocsToPdfAtCurDir($pathOut,$pathLog){
    $boLog = MyTestPath $pathLog
    if($boLog){WriteLog "Start Doc-to-Pdf." $pathLog}
    else{Write-Host "Start Doc-to-Pdf."}    

    [Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.ApplicationClass]$App = `
        New-Object -ComObject Word.Application
    $App.Visible = $true

    $nms = Get-ChildItem -Name | where{$_ -like "*.doc*"} | sort

    $nmsExec =@()
    foreach($nm in $nms){
        $fullOut= Join-Path $pathOut $nm
        $fullOut= [System.IO.Path]::ChangeExtension($fullOut, ".pdf")

        if(Test-Path $fullOut){
            $dateMoto = (Get-ItemProperty $nm).LastWriteTime
            $dateSaki = (Get-ItemProperty $fullOut).LastWriteTime
            if($dateMoto -gt $dateSaki){
                $nmsExec += $nm
            $nmsExec += $nm
    $cntExec = $nmsExec.Length 
    $rate = 0.4
    $msg = "$cntExec files will exec. Wait. Remain " + (MyRound ($rate*$cntExec/60) -1) +" minutes."
    if($boLog){WriteLog $msg $pathLog}else{Write-Host $msg}
    $tSta = Get-Date

    if($cntExec -gt 0){
        $cnt = 0
        foreach($nm in $nmsExec){
            [Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.DocumentClass]$doc = DocOpen $nm $App -ReadOnly -UnVisible -Silence
                $ret = DocToPdf $doc $pathOut -OverWriteByDate
                if($boLog){WriteLog $ret $pathLog}else{Write-Host $ret}

                if($cnt % 20 -eq 0){
                    $tNow = Get-Date
                    if($cnt -gt 0){ $rate = (($tNow-$tSta).TotalSeconds)/$cnt }else{$rate = 0.4 }
                    Write-Host ([string]$cnt + "/" + [string]$cntExec + " files execed. Remain " `
                                    + (MyRound ($rate*($cntExec-$cnt)/60) -1) +" minutes.")
                WriteLog "Error: Fail to OpenDoc $nm ."
        $tNow = Get-Date
        if($cnt -gt 0){ $rate = (($tNow-$tSta).TotalSeconds)/$cnt }else{$rate = 0.4 }

    $msg = ("Finished Doc-to-Pdf. Taked " + (MyRound (($tNow-$tSta).TotalSeconds/60) -1) `
                + " minutes. Rate is " + (MyRound $rate -1) + " seconds.")
    if($boLog){WriteLog $msg $pathLog}
    else{Write-Host $msg }

        $msg="OpenDocエラー有り。以下の何れかを試して。`r`n `
        ResByMsgbox $msg 


VBA for OpenSelectionFile

Option Explicit

Sub 行非表示()
   'Rows.RowHeight = 18.75
   Dim va As Variant, ro As Range
   Dim words As Variant
   words = Array("aa", "ab")
   For Each va In words
      Set ro = Cells.Find(va, , , xlWhole, xlByColumns).EntireRow
      ro.Hidden = True
End Sub
Sub 行再表示()
    Rows.EntireRow.Hidden = False
End Sub
Function GetBtnCaller() As Button
   Dim sp As Shape
   Set sp = ActiveSheet.Shapes(Application.Caller)
   Set GetBtnCaller = Selection
End Function
Sub 行追加()
   Dim i As Integer, ceBuf As Range
   Dim flag1 As Boolean, flag2 As Boolean
   Dim txtBtn As String, strFind As String, ceFind As Range
   Dim rgCopy As Range

   txtBtn = GetBtnCaller.Characters.Text
   strFind = Mid(txtBtn, InStr(txtBtn, " ") + 1)
   Set ceFind = Cells.Find(strFind, , , xlWhole, xlByColumns)
   For i = 1 To 100
      Set ceBuf = ceFind.Offset(0, i)
      If ceBuf.Borders(xlEdgeTop).LineStyle = xlNone Then
         Exit For
      End If
   Set rgCopy = Range(ceFind.Offset(0, 1), ceBuf.Offset(0, -1))
   For i = 1 To 100
      Set ceBuf = ceFind.Offset(i, 1)
      If ceBuf.Borders(xlEdgeLeft).LineStyle = xlNone Then
         flag1 = True
      End If
      If flag1 = True And ceBuf.Borders(xlEdgeLeft).LineStyle <> xlNone Then
         flag2 = True
      End If
      If flag2 = True And ceBuf.Borders(xlEdgeLeft).LineStyle = xlNone Then
         Exit For
      End If
   rgCopy.Copy ceBuf
End Sub

Sub OpenSelectionFile()
   Dim va As Variant
   Dim sIn As String, pathSerch As String, fullFi As String
   Dim ceFol As Range
   sIn = Selection.Value
   If sIn = "" Then Exit Sub
   Set ceFol = Cells.Find("Folder", , , xlWhole).Offset(0, 1)
   pathSerch = GetPathDesktop & "\" & ceFol.Value
   fullFi = pathSerch & "\" & "*" & sIn & "*"
   Dim ListFiles() As String
   ListFiles = GetFilesList(pathSerch, ("*" & sIn & "*"))
   Call ArySortByS(ListFiles)
   Dim nmOpen As String
   nmOpen = ListFiles(UBound(ListFiles))
   fullFi = pathSerch & "\" & nmOpen
   Call OpenOtherApp(fullFi)
End Sub
Public Function GetPathDesktop()
    Dim WSH As Object
    Set WSH = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
    Dim PathTop As String
    PathTop = WSH.SpecialFolders("Desktop")
    Set WSH = Nothing
    GetPathDesktop = PathTop
End Function
Public Sub ArySortByS(ByRef ary() As String)
    Dim i, j As Byte
    Dim judg As Integer
    Dim buf As String
    For j = 0 To UBound(ary)
    For i = 1 To UBound(ary) - 1 - j
        judg = StrComp(ary(i), ary(i + 1), vbTextCompare)
        If judg = 1 Then    'str1がstr2より大きい
            buf = ary(i + 1)
            ary(i + 1) = ary(i)
            ary(i) = buf
        End If
End Sub
Sub OpenOtherApp(fiFull As String)
    CreateObject("Wscript.Shell").Run """" & fiFull & """"
End Sub
Public Function GetFilesList(pathFolder As String, Optional nmPattern1 As String = "" _
        , Optional nmPattern2 As String = "", Optional nmPattern3 As String = "") As String()
   Dim n, p As Integer
   ReDim aryList(0) As String
   Dim patterns As Variant
   patterns = Array(nmPattern1, nmPattern2, nmPattern3)
   n = 0
   For p = LBound(patterns) To UBound(patterns)
     If patterns(p) <> "" Then
       aryList(n) = Dir(pathFolder & "\" & patterns(p))
       Do While Len(aryList(n)) > 0
           n = n + 1
           ReDim Preserve aryList(0 To n)
           aryList(n) = Dir()
     End If
   ReDim Preserve aryList(0 To n - 1)
   GetFilesList = aryList
End Function

Exection for DocToPdf

$pathTop = [Environment]::GetFolderPath('Desktop')
cd "$pathTop\ps"
. .\Func_FormDialog.ps1
. .\Func_Word.ps1

$pathsInOut = GetFolderPathsByFormInOut -InitPathInput "" -InitPathOutput ""

    if($pathsInOut -eq $null){

    $pathIn= $pathsInOut[0]
    $pathOut= $pathsInOut[1]

    # message作成
    $CI = Get-ChildItem $pathIn -Name | where{$_ -like "*.doc*"} | sort
    $nokori =$CI.Count - 5    
    $msg = ($CI |select -First 5) -join "`n"
    if($nokori -gt 0){ $msg = "$msg`n他 $nokori 件" }
    $msg = "$msg `n`n実行するよ?"

    $result = [System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show($msg,"実行確認","YesNo","Question","Button2")
    if($result -eq $resYes){
        cd $pathIn
        $pathsInOut = GetFolderPathsByFormInOut -InitPathInput $pathIn -InitPathOutput $pathOut

Functions of FormDialog

Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms

$pathTop = [Environment]::GetFolderPath('Desktop')
cd "$pathTop\ps"
. .\Func_Files.ps1
. .\Func_Form.ps1

# memo


function GetFileNameByDialog{
        [string]$Title = "ファイルを選択",
    $dialog = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog
    $dialog.Title = $Title
    $dialog.Multiselect = $false # 複数選択

    if($FilterImage -eq $true){
        $dialog.Filter = "画像ファイル(*.PNG;*.JPG;*.GIF)|*.PNG;*.JPG;*.JPEG;*.GIF"

    $dialog.InitialDirectory = "C:\"
    if($InitialDesktop -eq $true){
        $dialog.InitialDirectory = [Environment]::GetFolderPath('Desktop')

    # ダイアログを表示
    if($dialog.ShowDialog() -eq [System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult]::OK){
        return $dialog.FileName  # MultiselectならFileNames

function GetFolderPathByDialog{
        [string]$Description = "フォルダを選択",

    # pathRoot
    if( (MyTestPath $PathRoot) -eq $false ){
        $pathRoot = "C:"
    if($RootIsCurrent -eq $true){
        $pathRoot = $PWD.Path
    if($RootIsDesktop -eq $true){
        $pathRoot = [Environment]::GetFolderPath('Desktop')

    # ダイアログ表示
    $shell = New-Object -com Shell.Application 
    $folderPath = $shell.BrowseForFolder(0,$Description,0,$pathRoot) 
    # return
    if($folderPath -eq $null){
        return $null
        return $folderPath.Self.Path

function GetFolderPathByDialog2{
        [string]$Description = "フォルダを選択",

    # メインウィンドウ
    $window = New-Object Windows.Forms.NativeWindow
    $handle = ([Diagnostics.Process]::GetCurrentProcess()).MainWindowHandle    

    # ダイアログ
    $dialog = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.FolderBrowserDialog
    $dialog.Description = $Description
    if($DefaultCurrent -eq $true){
        $dialog.SelectedPath = $PWD.Path
    if($DefaultDesktop -eq $true){


    # ダイアログ表示
    $res = $dialog.ShowDialog($window)

    if($res -eq [System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult]::OK){
        return $dialog.SelectedPath
        return $null

function GetFolderPathsByFormInOut{
        [string]$InitPathInput = "",
        [string]$InitPathOutput = ""

    # Table,Controls 定義

    # Table 定義
    $Table1=GetNewTable -nCol 4 -nRow 6 -hRow 30 -SideMargin 10

    # Controls 定義
    $Lab1= GetNewLabel "Input Folder" -BottomLeft | SetToTable $Table1 -nRow 0 -spanCol 3

    $Txb1 = GetNewTextBox -MojiSize 9 -Wrap | SetToTable $Table1  -nRow 1 -spanCol 3 -spanRow 1
    $Btn1= GetNewButton "Ref" | SetToTable $Table1 -nRow 1 -nCol 3 -spanCol 1

    $Lab2= GetNewLabel "Output Folder" -BottomLeft | SetToTable $Table1 -nRow 2 -spanCol 3

    $Txb2 = GetNewTextBox -MojiSize 9  -Wrap | SetToTable $Table1 -nRow 3 -spanCol 3 -spanRow 1
    $Btn2= GetNewButton "Ref" | SetToTable $Table1  -nRow 3 -nCol 2 -spanCol 1


    $BtnOK= GetNewButton "OK" | SetToTable $Table1 -nRow 5 -nCol 1 -spanCol 1
    $BtnCancel= GetNewButton "Cancel" | SetToTable $Table1  -nRow 5 -nCol 2 -spanCol 1



    # function for Event
    function ClickRef($txb){    
        $pathGet = GetFolderPathByDialog -RootIsDesktop
    function ClickCancel{
        $Form1.DialogResult = [Windows.Forms.DialogResult]::Cancel
    function ClickOK{
        if( ((MyTestPath $Txb1.Text) -eq $true) -and ((MyTestPath $Txb2.Text) -eq $true) ){
            $Form1.DialogResult = [Windows.Forms.DialogResult]::OK
            [System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show("Error - paths not found ", "Error") 
    # Event
    $Btn1.Add_Click({ClickRef $Txb1})
    $Btn2.Add_Click({ClickRef $Txb2})

    # Form 定義
    $Form1 = GetNewForm -text "Folder Select" -PositionCenter
    # Form Event

    # Form 表示

    $res = $Form1.ShowDialog() 
    if($res -eq [Windows.Forms.DialogResult]::OK){
        return $Txb1.Text,$Txb2.Text

Functions of NamesAndPaths

$pathTop = [Environment]::GetFolderPath('Desktop')
cd "$pathTop\ps"
. .\Func_Files.ps1

$kugiri = "`t"

# ps\Data に出力
function OutTxtNamesAndPaths{
    # ファイル名作成
    $nmRoot = Split-Path $pathRoot -Leaf
    $nmFileOut = "NamesAndPaths-$nmRoot.txt"
    $nmFileOut = CorrectName $nmFileOut

    # cd
    # Out Root
    ("Root :" + $pathRoot) | Out-File -FilePath $nmFileOut
    # CI
    Write-Host "--------------------------------------"
    Write-Host "Wait. Now Getting ChildItem."
    $tSta = Get-Date
    $cnt =0
    $CI = Get-ChildItem $pathRoot -File -Recurse |where{$_.Name -like $keyWild} |
            ($_.Name + $kugiri + ($_.DirectoryName).Replace($pathRoot,"") ) `
             | Out-File -FilePath $nmFileOut -Append
             if(($cnt % 500) -eq 1 ){Write-Host "$cnt Count"}         
    $tSpan = ((Get-Date)-$tSta).totalseconds
    $strOut = ("$cnt Count "+[string](MyRound $tSpan 2)+" sec") 
    $strOut+"`r`n"+(Get-Date) | Out-File -FilePath $nmFileOut -Append
    Write-Host $strOut
    Write-Host "Exec - Out to $nmFileOut"

function SerchFilePathByTxt{
    # ファイル名作成
    $nmRoot = Split-Path $pathRoot -Leaf
    $nmTxt = "NamesAndPaths-$nmRoot.txt"
    $nmTxt = CorrectName $nmTxt


    #get file-content
    $Contents = Get-Content $nmTxt

    foreach($el in $Contents){
        $nm = ($el -split $kugiri )[0]
        if($nm -like $nameWild){
            $aryPaths += ,@( ($el -split $kugiri )[1] )
    $aryPaths = $aryPaths | Sort-Object | Get-Unique # 重複を削除
    foreach($el in $aryPaths){
        $aryPathsOut += ,@($pathRoot + $el)
    return $aryPathsOut